Message transmis aujourd'hui au Falcon's Nest Hotel à mon contact habituel afin d'anticiper l'annulation de la 7ème nuit (pas du 11ème et 12ème participants encore en sursis mais que j'ai bon espoir de trouver):
"Dear Louise,
Hope everything is ok for you since our last mail exchange in march. Because steam packet has been overbooked, in only a few days all the dates for the ferrys had been booked for TT2013. Fortunatly we were very carrefull and managed to book 12 places in a ferry from Liverpool to Douglas but the dates (arrival 1/6 late – departure 7/6 early) mean that our group will only stay 6 nights in Falcon’s nest Hotel. We don’t have the choice, TT seems to be more and more more famous all over te world ! Hope it’s not a pb for you because of the 7th night cancelled.
Please could you give me a dead line and the money left to pay the full booking.
Best regards
Club Triumphall"