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I have a 2000 Sprint and just used a cheap metal cutting holesaw which I welded to a length of rod (actually 1/2" threaded rod - hey its all I had). It cut through very well. My only difficulty was that I went for a 1" hole first and then tried to drill it out to 36mm or thereabouts. If I had drilled it bigger first it would have taken five minutes.You don't get a massive increase in noise but it does seem to let the bike breath easier making it more responsive. When you wind it out past 7000rpm though it does sound good. I'm sure a Two Bros or a Wolf pipe would sound better, but I did what I did for $15 instead of $700. (Oz Price).I think it was worth it.
et tu perce où ?
après si c'est dans le silencieux....
ca c'est de la connerie de branleur en mobilette tu gagne en horrible bruit et tu perd en puissance